Environmental Sustainability Plan

The City has approved its first Environmental Sustainability Plan (ESP). This plan incorporates the City’s environmental goals and objectives and actions into one overarching strategy that will provide a clear and flexible framework to help guide future decisions, ensuring the long-term resiliency and sustainability of our community.

About the Environmental Sustainability Plan

The ESP will guide future decisions that support the long-term environmental resiliency and sustainability of the community including:

1. Goals, strategies and actions organized into five themes:

  • Climate Action
  • Built Environment
  • Waste Management
  • Water Management
  • Natural Areas, Wildlife and Habitat

2. A plan to implement the goals, strategies and actions.

3. A plan to monitor our progress.

View the full plan below or download a PDF of the full plan or a shorter highlights document.

Developing the ESP

The ESP was developed through comprehensive research and analysis, as well as through extensive public engagement, over a four-phase process that began in spring 2019. In total, through the entire project development, the team had more than 1,600 survey responses, more than 4,500 comments and 35 pop-up, in-person or virtual engagement opportunities. To learn more about the engagement process visit the project page.

ESP Themes

Implementing the ESP

This Top 10 list of priority actions was identified for implementation beginning in 2022. With Council’s approval of the ESP, staff are proceeding with implementing these actions as well as other short-term actions captured in various 2022 departmental work plans.  The majority of the ESP’s implementation is planned to take place over the next 10 years and will involve broad collaboration with the community, businesses, various levels of government and First Nations to bridge connections and amplify positive impacts.

Develop and implement a new Climate Action Plan that incorporates emerging best practice approaches and innovative technology, and prioritizes actions to achieve the City’s community and corporate climate change targets
Climate Action
Develop a Carbon Offset Reserve Fund policy to guide decision-making in allocating funds to high-value GHG emission reduction projects
Climate Action
Develop an Electric Mobility Strategy to advance vehicle electrification and support greater e-mobility in the City
Built Environment
Implement BC Energy Step Code requirements for new building permit applications in advance of provincial adoption schedule
Built Environment
Implement a single-use item bylaw that reflects the regional approach developed by Metro Vancouver 
Waste Management
Implement the Enhanced Water Conservation Strategy to further reduce water consumption
Water Management
Pursue targeted education and enforcement opportunities to reduce pollution in watercourses by analyzing and mapping the City’s spill response data
Water Management
Create and expand education and outreach and volunteer opportunities related to residential stormwater management
Water Management
Develop a citywide Urban Forest Management Plan that considers tree retention, stewardship, forest and ecosystem health, public safety and climate change impacts
Natural Areas, Wildlife and Habitats
Measure tree canopy cover percentages in developed neighborhoods.
Natural Areas, Wildlife and Habitats