Form Center

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Customer Feedback

  1. Please Note

    If you have an Engineering emergency related to Water, Sewer, Roads or the Environment please email Engineering and Public Works or call 604-927-3500 (24 hours a day/7 days a week). For bylaw reports, the City will not accept anonymous complaints. The City keeps the identity of every complainant confidential unless the complainant has agreed to be identified. When submitting a request for service, we ask that you have the exact address where the alleged violation has occurred. We are unable to attend complaints based on description of a house or area. We request contact information for any comments submitted in relation to City personnel to allow for appropriate follow up. All comments are addressed in confidence.

    If you require assistance with other matters, please refer to the Staff Directory.

  2. What kind of comment would you like to send?
  3. Contact Details

    Please provide your name and details for at least one method of contact.

  4. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
    The personal information collected on this form is collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the 'Act'). The City has the authority to collect your information for the purposes of responding to your inquiry in accordance with Section 26(d) of the Act. Should you have any questions or concerns about the collection of your personal information please call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-927-3010.
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