The City of Coquitlam Park Spark has a full schedule of events and activities. For more information on the workshops, walks, talks, tours and events visit the activities listings below.
Park Spark provides an opportunity to have fun and gain meaningful experiences while enhancing Coquitlam’s parks. We offer a variety of opportunities for people to lend their expertise or experiences to connect with our parks.
Test out your green thumb, share your knowledge, learn new skills, and have fun with the Youth Urban Garden team at the Inspiration Garden in Town Centre Park As a member of the team you will share your knowledge, learn new skills and give back to your community in a fun and meaningful way while helping enhance our local parks. For more information, email the Park Spark garden team.
Test out your green thumb, share your knowledge, learn new skills, and have fun with the YOUth Urban Garden team on Friday nights 4 – 7 p.m. at Town Centre Park’s Inspiration Garden. Volunteer in a unique and fun way while helping enhance our local parks. For further information email the Park Spark team.
Become a Park Spark Garden volunteer. Green thumbs of all ages and abilities are encouraged to get involved, share knowledge, learn new skills and make a difference while enhancing Coquitlam’s outdoor parks spaces.
Throughout the growing season, the Park Spark team will be popping up at various Coquitlam park spaces, teaming up with other volunteers to keep our gardens looking their best. Find out when we’ll be visiting a park near you. For information on locations and how to become a Park Spark Garden volunteer, please email the Park Spark team.
Keep our outdoor park spaces SPARKling! Get involved, take ownership and make a difference by joining the Park Spark team to keep Coquitlam parks and trails litter free. Find out when we’ll be popping up at a park near you. For information on locations and how to participate in a Park Spark litter clean-up please email the Park Spark team.
The Coquitlam in Bloom program fosters community pride for green space enhancements through stewardship events and initiatives such as Park Spark, Adopt-a-Park, and Bad Seed community weed pulls. Learn more.
Located in the southeast corner of Town Centre Park, the Inspiration Garden is dedicated to growing, supporting and connecting gardeners in the community. Learn more.
Take part in Coquitlam's tree-planting initiative and public-education program. Whether on public or private land, Coquitlam’s trees offer many benefits for our health, well-being and the environment. Learn more.
A "Bad Seed", known more formally as an invasive plant, is a non-native plant that was introduced to our environment through seeds, cuttings, garden plants, etc. that spreads aggressively and takes over the natural environment. Get outdoors and get active by helping remove invasive plants from our parks. Learn more.
Our Adopt-a-Park programs are for residents of all ages who are interested in being stewards of our community's parks. Help take care of a park on our own schedule - check out our ongoing park care activities.
Involve your business, community group or school in a fun park project - check out some of our past group park projects.
Use this link or on the image above to find a program and register. For the best online registration experience, please use Google Chrome.
In the online registration system, go to the Drop in Pre-registered section and click All Ages. Next, open the Drop In Park Spark dropdown to see available activities, dates and times.