Parks & Facilities

Sports Field & Outdoor Court Status and Availability - the current status and availability of sports fields in Coquitlam can be found on the Sports Field Status page.
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Miller Park


  1. Baseball / Softball Diamond
  2. Dog Off-Leash
  3. Playground
  4. Playing Field
  5. Sport Field
  6. Trails
  7. Washrooms
  8. Water Fountain

Two grass playing fields are adjacent to Miller Park School. A nature trail across the creek leads to Miller Park, a pleasant green space with a ball diamond and open grass off-leash dog area.

Sports Fields


  • Baseball:
    • Base distance 60 feet
    • Pitching distance 40 feet
  • Natural grass
  • Soccer, 164 by 230 feet (2 fields)


  • Restrooms
  • Playground