Parks & Facilities

Sports Field & Outdoor Court Status and Availability - the current status and availability of sports fields in Coquitlam can be found on the Sports Field Status page.
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Eagle Ridge Park


  1. Alcohol Permitted
  2. Baseball / Softball Diamond
  3. Community Garden
  4. Lacrosse Box
  5. Pickleball
  6. Playground
  7. Playing Field
  8. Tennis Court
  9. Trails
  10. Washrooms
  11. Water Fountain

Eagle Ridge Park offers a variety of recreation opportunities for organized sport and casual play with sport fields and a lacrosse box. The park is also the starting point for the Coquitlam Crunch Trail. The Scott Creek Community Garden is located between Scott Creek Middle and Eagle Ridge Elementary schools facilitating the involvement of students from both schools as well as those from Glen Eagle Secondary. In addition to school curricular programs, the Scott Creek Community Garden acts as a secondary campus for the Inspiration Garden composting, food gardening and interpretive programs.

Sports Fields


  • Baseball:
    • Base distance, 90 feet, 80 feet
    • Pitching distance 60.5 feet, 54 feet
  • Natural grass
  • Rugby 230 by 328 feet
  • Soccer 148 by 230 feet


  • Change Rooms
  • Restrooms

Tennis Courts

  • Four Courts
  • Has Lighting


Eagle Ridge Lacrosse Box - Four courts


  1. Eagle Ridge Lacrosse Box

    View Subfacility
  2. Eagle Ridge Outdoor Pool

    View Subfacility
  3. Eagle Ridge Sports Fields

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  4. Eagle Ridge Tennis Courts

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