Energy Efficient Upgrades

Buildings, including our homes and businesses, account for over 40% of Coquitlam’s community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

For homeowners, energy efficiency upgrades are a great way to decrease energy usage, and can make homes more comfortable. You can also save money over time. 

Examples of energy efficiency upgrades include:

  • Switching from natural gas, propane, or oil heating systems (e.g. furnaces or boilers) to electricity (e.g. heat pumps)
  • Upgrading your windows and doors
  • Adding or improving insulation
  • Upgrading refrigerators, washers, and dryers to ENERGY STAR® rated appliances
  • Replacing lights with LEDs
  • Installing “smart” or programmable thermostats

Considering a Heat Pump?  

Heat Pumps are the most energy efficient, climate-friendly heating systems available in B.C. When you replace your furnace with a heat pump, you get the added bonus of cooling - central AC for those warm nights without purchasing or maintaining a separate system. 

Canada Greener Homes Grant Update - February 2024

Effective February 2024, the Canada Greener Homes Grant is no longer accepting applications. Owners who have already completed their online registration and have an application number are encouraged to proceed in a timely manner with their retrofits and will continue to be eligible for funding and support through the Canada Greener Homes portal - please visit the Canada Greener Homes Program website for details.

For the most up to date information, visit CleanBC’s website.

Rebates and Grants

There are a variety of resources, rebates, and incentives available to help lower the costs of your next home energy efficiency project. 

Group Purchase Heat Pump Rebate - 2024 Update

As of March 31, 2024, the CleanBC Group Purchase Rebate will no longer be available - please read all the important details on the tab below: Group Purchase Heat Pump Rebate. 

Support for your Energy Efficiency Upgrade Project

Follow CleanBC’s Better Homes Step-by-Step Rebate Guide to learn about:

  • Upgrades that make your home more comfortable and energy efficient
  • Eligible rebates
  • Program requirements
  • Selecting a contractor
  • Applying for rebates

Location of Exterior Mechanical Equipment

All mechanical equipment creates noise, and while manufacturers strive to improve efficiency and reduce noise levels, from time to time this equipment may be disruptive in residential areas. Therefore, it is important that exterior mechanical equipment is located in areas that have minimal impact on the quality of life of all residents. Please review this important bylaw information about the siting of exterior mechanical equipment and vent terminations in order to minimize the disruptive impacts.

Other Ways to Save Energy

Upgrades to your home are not the only way to reduce your home’s energy use. Here are some examples that can save you money on your next energy bill:

  • Lowering the temperature on thermostats
  • Turning off appliances and unplug electronic devices when not in use
  • Turning off lights when you leave the room
  • Hanging clothes to dry

For income-qualified households, BC Hydro offers free energy saving kits, which includes a water-efficient showerhead, faucet aerators, weather stripping and other energy saving products. 

Visit the links below from BC Hydro for more information on how to reduce energy use in your home:

New Homes

Building your next home? The City of Coquitlam requires Energy Step Code compliance for new building permit applications. Learn more about the City of Coquitlam’s Energy Step Code compliance requirements, and stay up to date on future energy efficiency requirements.