Wildlife Corridors
The City of Coquitlam has a commitment to provide/protect corridors for wildlife when there are development plans near sensitive areas of wildlife habitat. For more information about green corridors (PNG) in Coquitlam, please refer to section 3.3 of the Healthy Environment Chapter (PDF) of the Citywide Official Community Plan, as well as the Riparian Area Regulation under the Zoning Bylaw.
We have a couple of handy brochures, including our Urban Wildlife brochure with information about the types of wildlife you may encounter in our community along with instructions on the key actions you can take to protect your family and home, as well as the wildlife:
WildSafeBC is the provincial leader in preventing conflict with wildlife through collaboration, education and community solutions. It has evolved out of the highly successful Bear Aware program and is owned and delivered by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation.