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Film Wrap Sheet Form


  1. 1. Production Information(current)
  2. 2. Feedback
  • Production Information

    1. Please complete within One Week of wrap date. Deposit won’t be returned until it’s been received.

    2. Estimated Total Production Budget*
    3. Estimated number of Local Talent Hired (Jobs Created)*
    4. Were any of these jobs permanent jobs?*
    5. Estimated number of Local Talent Hired Expenses.*

      Include location/property rentals, parking use, loss of use compensation and remuneration, etc.

    6. Estimated Total Non-Location Fees and Expenses.*

      Include set decorations, equipment and vehicle rentals, catering, etc.

    7. Estimated Total Donations to Local Community Organizations.*
    8. Types of Community Not-for-Profit Organizations Supported by Production Donations.
    9. Estimated Coquitlam Expenditures.*

      Restaurants, Hotels, Rentals

    10. Generator Parking

      Reel Green‘s grid power access map identifies existing access points, while the generator parking location map shows the high-volume areas of filming. Combined, these resources can help municipalities identify where additional tie-in locations would be most effective. We are reaching out to you to ask productions to submit their generator parking information to the generator parking location map prior to wrap.