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"Bear Smart" Pledge Form

  1. Coquitlam is a "Bear Smart" Community
    Coquitlam is home to bears, coyotes and other urban wildlife. These animals will often enter our neighbourhoods and yards looking for food or shelter. It is important that we avoid inviting wildlife to our properties by removing attractants, such as garbage, pet food, fruit and making others inaccessible such as bird feeders.
  2. By promising to follow “Bear Smart” guidelines we can help keep wildlife wild and the community safe. Take the pledge; become a Bear Smart Household.
  3. Review the "Bear Smart" Guidelines
    • Store Garbage Carts, Green Carts and recycling bins in the garage or install a wildlife resistant enclosure 
    • Freeze meat and strong smelling food scraps, and transfer to the Green Cart on collection day
    • Put all food waste in the Green Cart and not the Garbage Cart
    • Place Carts and recycling at the curbside after 5:30 a.m. on collection day
    • Keep your Green Cart and Garbage Cart clean between collection days
    • Store refrigerators and freezers inside
    • Keep pet food inside
    • Harvest fruits and vegetable
    • Suspend bird feeders and clean up fallen bird seed
    • Practice responsible backyard composting (PDF)
    • Keep barbeques clean
  4. The members of our household promise to be "Bear Smart."*
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