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Spirit of Coquitlam Grant - Sport Hosting


  1. 1. Section 1: Applicant Information(current)
  2. 2. Section 2: Contact Information
  3. 3. Section 3: Project at a Glance
  4. 4. Section 4: Project Details
  5. 5. Section 5: Sport Hosting Criteria
  6. 6. Section 6: Grant Conditions
  7. 7. Section 7: Authorization and Certification
  8. 8. Section 8: Required Documents
  • Section 1: Applicant Information

    1. For more assistance on how to fill out this application form, review the Spirit of Coquitlam Grant Information Guide.

      Applicants are encouraged to create an account with their online application. Creating an account enables you to save your application and complete it over multiple sessions. Without an account, the application must be completed and submitted in one session. Please note that attachments will not be saved with your application – please ensure that you attach the required documents at the time of submission.

      (Questions marked with an * are required)

    2. Prove the full legal name of the organization.

    3. If the organization normally uses something different from the legal name, provide that here.

    4. 1c Is the organization based in Coquitlam?*

      Select 'yes' if the organization has a base of operations within the City limits of Coquitlam.

    5. 1d Is the organization in good financial standing with the City of Coquitlam?*

      Select 'yes' if the organization does not owe money to the City of Coquitlam.

    6. Name the area in which the organization works. For example: Tri-Cities, Lower Mainland, Canada, Burke Mountain, etc.

    7. Provide the Society's registration number.

    8. Provide the year the Society was registered.

    9. (Include details about the structure of the board of directors, management and staff where applicable.)

      Describe how the organization is structured: How are board members selected? How many staff? How many volunteers?

    10. 1i How did the organization become aware of the Spirit of Coquitlam Grant?

      Indicate how the organization became aware of the Spirit of Coquitlam Grant.