The City is undertaking a Statistical Metering Study, which is aligned with the Climate Adaptation Strategy (PDF) and Coquitlam’s Environmental Sustainability Plan (ESP) and is part of a broader review of residential water consumption.
The goal of the Statistical Metering Study is to understand the range in residential water consumption, and to analyze the effectiveness of the water conservation program. The results of the study will be used to inform future decisions on residential water metering, water rates, and water conservation initiatives.
The City of Coquitlam currently meters the water consumption of Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) properties and bills according to consumption. However, Coquitlam does not meter residential customers, both single and multi-family residences.
For our Statistical Metering Study, the City will install radio-read water meters to collect water consumption data from 105 residential properties that were statistically selected and adjusted based on feasibility. The selected properties are a combination of single and multi-family properties ranging in size. The meters will be installed outside the private properties, on road rights-of-way, except in multi-family properties where they may be installed in utility rooms, if feasible.
Properties selected for meter installations will be informed directly in writing, and updated as needed as the study proceeds.
Data Collection
The City is authorized to install meters under the authority of the City of Coquitlam Water Distribution Bylaw No. 2973, and the collection of data will comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
For the study, the meters will collect water consumption data and be transmitted to the City automatically via radio / data networks. In some locations, water pressure and water temperature data will also be collected.
The collected water consumption data will be kept anonymous during data transmission, and will not be used for billing purposes. The study, collection of data and analysis may continue for multiple years.
The collected data will be used to study general water use to determine the effectiveness of various water related programs in the city.