Flood Preparedness

Disaster Financial Assistance Event Declaration

The British Columbia government is offering Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) to eligible individuals, small businesses, farms, and charitable organizations in the Southwest Region of British Columbia, including Coquitlam, as a result of flooding caused by an atmospheric river event that occurred October 18 to 20, 2024.

Eligible expenses may include building repairs, replacement of essential personal effects, equipment and inventory, clean up and debris removal. The program may provide applicants with assistance to restore essential uninsurable losses.

Eligibility and Application Guidelines

  • Contact your insurance provider to determine if your current policy provides coverage for the resulting damage. 
    • As part of the DFA qualification process, the applicant’s insurer will be asked to provide a letter indicating that the applicant could not have purchased insurance to cover these disaster-related losses.
  • Claims must be submitted within 90 days of the event declaration; the deadline to submit has been extended to March 13, 2025.

The Online DFA Application Portal is available on the DFA website.

For all questions related to the Disaster Financial Assistance program, email DFA@gov.bc.ca  or telephone: 1-888-257-4777 (toll-free)

Every year, Engineering and Public Works prepares for the possibility of flooding. Preparations include updating the flood plan, practicing repair and mitigation measures and training personnel.

The City of Coquitlam has an extensive flood response plan that includes:

  • Assessment of flood risk areas
  • Daily monitoring of river levels
  • Evacuation planning
  • Flood action plan
  • Flood preparedness
  • Flood risk assessment

The City of Coquitlam monitors both the Pitt River and Fraser River during times of potential flooding. An assessment of the flood protection measures that are already in place or can be added to reduce the impact of floods has been completed. This assessment includes a review of existing dikes and drainage systems, as well as a review of the properties and buildings that may be below the flood level.

Response Measures

Coquitlam’s flood action plan includes measures to respond to either a three- or four-metre flood level. Primary response measures include:

  • Stop logs to block Nelson Creek and Como Creek to prevent flooding north of United Boulevard.
  • Temporary pumps installed in-stream to pump creek flows over the stop logs.
  • Sand bagging in targeted areas to limit extent of flooding and protect critical infrastructure.
  • Possible road closures.

Daily Monitoring During Increased Risk of Flooding

City staff will closely monitor reports from the Provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - River Forecast Centre which provides updates on river levels and flood risks as well as reports on the snow packs across the province.

City of Coquitlam Flood Preparedness

In addition to assessing existing flood protection, the City of Coquitlam is prepared for possible flooding by having on hand items such as sandbags, temporary portable dams and pumps that can be used to redirect water flow.

City staff regularly clears culverts and inspects dikes to ensure there are no blockages that would prevent proper drainage. Before the spring freshet, staff will inspect all dikes, critical intakes, outfalls, culverts, and catch basins to ensure they are functioning properly.

When a rain storm is forecast, during significant rain storms and after snow falls when the melt is occurring, staff will continually check the critical intakes, outfalls, culverts and catch basins to ensure they are clear.