Short-term, high-priority actions from the Housing Affordability Strategy:
- Consider concentrating higher densities and a broader variety of dwelling types and tenures near transit, through the completion of the Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan
- Encourage the development of designated market rental units (purpose-built and/or strata available for rental) through a suite of incentives as identified in the HAS
- Review Zoning Bylaw density, parking, amenity space and other requirements to encourage the development of purpose-built rental housing
- Consider permitting additional rental floor space above standard density allowances to encourage purpose-built rental subject to servicing, traffic, parking, and urban design considerations
- Employ a series of regulatory incentives to preserve existing rental and co-op housing
- Contribute a portion of density bonusing into the AHRF based on the City’s Zoning Bylaw for the purpose of fostering housing affordability in accordance with the AHRF guideline
- Complete the sale of three City-owned sites in the Northeast previously identified for affordable housing, and direct one-third of the proceeds to immediately "jumpstart" the AHRF
- Call for submissions and promotion of the availability and use of the AHRF
- Call for partners to work with Coquitlam in addressing affordability and accessibility
- Request for Proposals for an affordable housing project at 1358 Coast Meridian Road