City Trees within Boulevards -Pruning Boulevard Trees
If you have concern about trees you believe to be on City of Coquitlam property in front of your home, please contact Parks Customer Service. The width of the boulevard can be estimated using the City of Coquitlam’s online map or by having a professional survey completed. Typically, water shut off or other underground utilities can indicate property boundaries. If you are unsure about the ownership of a tree fronting your property please contact Urban Forestry. The City asks that residents refrain from pruning trees located within separated boulevards. These trees are pruned on a schedule by City arborists.
Trees located within separated boulevards (a strip of grass between the roadway and the sidewalk) are maintained by City staff and should only be pruned by City workers. Violations may be issued if homeowners and contractors are found to have damaged City owned trees. Trees outside separated boulevards but still located on City property fall under the Boulevard Maintenance bylaw (PDF). Tree hazards are assessed by Urban Forestry staff but maintenance requirements are the responsibility of the adjacent property owner.
Tree Watering Program
Trees located within separated boulevards (a strip of grass between the roadway and the sidewalk) are typically a part of the City of Coquitlam’s maintained street tree inventory and are pruned on a schedule to increase the longevity of the trees lifespan.
In 2015, the City of Coquitlam implemented a new tree watering program to help increase the establishment and survival of young and newly planted trees. Watering bags are installed on young trees each May and are filled every two weeks until late August when the bags are removed for storage during the winter.
Resident are asked to participate in the program by helping to supplement the watering by filling the bags once or twice a week. If the water level is low use a basic garden hose to fill from the top. If the bags appear to improperly drain, firmly lift from the top handles to encourage water flow. If bags are damaged or appear to be missing, please contact Parks Customer Service.
Riparian and Park Trees
The City of Coquitlam has many streams, creeks, ravines and other natural areas with significant numbers of unmaintained trees. If you believe that trees originating from City of Coquitlam property are hazardous, please contact Parks Customer Service.
Community Roots
The Community Roots annual planting program aims to plant new trees in locations around the City that can benefit to increase tree canopy cover. The program most often runs in partnership with residents, community groups or local schools. For more information about the program, please contact Parks Customer Service.