Pipeline Road Upgrade Project – David to Guildford Section 

We will be upgrading Pipeline Road from David Avenue to Guildford Way (see PDF map). 

This project will:

  • Improve safety and accessibility for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and drivers
  • Improve pedestrian facilities
  • Improve active transportation (e.g. scooters, bikes and their electrified versions) along the corridor
  • Increase road capacity
  • Improve aesthetics and lighting
  • Improve access to Town Centre Park

Project Update - March 2025 

The City has awarded a contract to Key-West Asphalt (332) Ltd. to complete the upgrades on Pipeline Road from Guildford Way to David Avenue. This project will improve road safety and accessibility for all users and transportation modes. 

Project Phasing

  • Phase 1  - Guildford Way to Gabriola Drive will take place this year, starting in March and will be ongoing until December; and 
  • Phase 2 - Gabriola Drive to David Avenue will take place in 2026 once the Metro Vancouver Water Main Project is completed (see details below).

In Area Work - March 

BC Hydro will be installing new hydro poles along the west side of Pipeline Road, and the City’s contractor will begin underground work and will install new traffic poles along the west side of Pipeline Road at Trevor Wingrove Way and Gabriola Drive. 

Once this preliminary work is complete, the City’s contractor will begin work at the south end of Pipeline at Guildford Way and progress north to Gabriola Drive.


Due to the scope of work, there will be noise, dust and impacts to traffic:

  • Pipeline Road on-street parking will be removed
  • The boulevard along the east side of Pipeline Road will be affected to build a new sidewalk
  • Redonda Drive will be restricted to right-turn movements only
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained but there will be occasional detours
  • Plan extra time when traveling to and from your home. 

Driving Tips

  • Obey all traffic control personnel and signs, including construction speed limits.
  • Use alternate routes to avoid delays - plan extra time when traveling to and from your home. 
  • Anticipated start and end dates are subject to change and weather delays.

Project Results 

  • Pipeline Road between Guildford Way and David Avenue will be widened to accommodate four lanes of vehicle traffic with dedicated left turn lanes
  • A separated pedestrian pathway and two-way micromobility lane for cycling, scootering and their electrified forms will be constructed along the west side of the road, which aims to separate people cycling from walking 
  • Additional improvements include new lighting, new landscaped centre medians, and new street trees and plantings
  • Protected turn movements at intersections
  • Accessibility and road safety improvements will be added at David Avenue, Gabriola Drive, Trevor Wingrove Way and Guildford Way 

This project aligns with Coquitlam's commitment to achieving the Vision Zero goal of eliminating fatalities and serious injuries on our streets by 2050.

View an artist rendering of the upgraded street design (JPEG). Final design may differ slightly. 

Metro Vancouver's Coquitlam Water Main Project

Metro Vancouver is currently installing a new water main along this section of Pipeline Road. Construction of their project began in 2023 with completion planned for 2026. 

Coquitlam's Pipeline Road Upgrade Project will begin once Metro Vancouver has completed the installation of the new water main along the David to Guildford section, likely in spring 2025. See below for more details. 

To meet the growing demand for drinking water in the region, Metro Vancouver is constructing a new water main in Coquitlam. The project will be constructed in sections starting with the Robson to Guildford Section in 2023.

Metro Vancouver will complete water main construction in coordination with the City of Coquitlam’s Pipeline Road Upgrade Project. Once both projects are complete, the City of Coquitlam will lead restoration and tree replanting in Town Centre Park.

Learn more about Metro Vancouver’s Coquitlam Water Main Project – Robson to Guildford Section.

If you have questions or concerns on the construction you can contract Metro Vancouver's Community Liaison directly at 604-432-6200 or by email to icentre@metrovancouver.org (include "Coquitlam Water Main" in the subject line).

Stay Informed

To stay informed by the City about this project, sign up for Pipeline Road Upgrade Project updates.

  1. Background
  2. Timeline
  3. Related Documents

Phase 1 – May 2017

The first phase of the consultation provided information on the guiding principles for the project and asked the public for input on what is important for consideration of the street design. Public Information Sessions for the first phase in the design process were held on May 24 and May 27, 2017.

Council-in-Committee received a summary report from City staff on October 2, 2017, on the results of the Phase 1 public consultation. The report can be downloaded in the link below.

Phase 2 – November 2017

The second phase provided information to develop street concepts and their evaluation criteria. To read the information boards from that session, click below.

Council-in-Committee received a report summarizing the second phase of feedback on February 26, 2018. 

Phase 3 – June 2018