The City’s policies and incentives help develop and retain rental housing to advance housing affordability and address housing needs in Coquitlam.
Renter households make up a growing share of Coquitlam’s population.
In 2021, Coquitlam’s share of renter households increased by a rate of 18% compared to the 2016 Census. In contrast, Coquitlam’s share of owner households grew by 5.5%.
As part of the Housing Affordability Strategy’s (PDF) partner-based approach, the City has leveraged floor area incentives to help increase the provision of secured rental housing in new developments.
The City offers rental housing development incentives including:
Since the Rental Incentive Program was introduced in 2017, the City has facilitated the completion of 937 secured rental units, with nearly a quarter of all units provided as non-market and/or below-market units.
The New Purpose-Built Rental Housing map was created on June 15, 2023. Information presented is limited to purpose-built rental projects that have advanced through the development process since the implementation of Coquitlam’s Housing Affordability Strategy (2015), including projects that are in the building permit stage and those that have completed. Questions about rental housing projects may be directed to Planning and Development.
In April 2024, the Province introduced Bill 16, which includes new tools for municipalities to support tenants impacted by redevelopment. Staff are in the process of reviewing this legislation. The Tenant Relocation Policy outlined on this page remains in effect at this time.
The Tenant Relocation Policy (PDF) applies to property developers acquiring existing rental housing sites (multifamily, co-op, non-market, minimum five units) with the intention of redeveloping.
The Tenant Relocation Policy was updated in 2021 to bring policy in line with current practice. It offers clearer expectations for developers, providing consistent rules, criteria and tenant assistance requirements including the provision that developers must prepare Tenant Relocation and Assistance Strategies. Policy revisions include, requirements for increased advance notification, support for moving expenses and a new Renter Information Package.
The City also adopted the Mobile Home Park Redevelopment Tenant Assistance Policy (PDF) to address tenant displacement due to rezoning and redevelopment of mobile home parks. The policy is intended to help tenants with the opportunity for greater notification and assistance from development proponents than what is required under the Manufactured Park Home Tenancy Act.
Who is protected under the Tenant Relocation Policy?
Tenants who live in a purpose-built rental building that have five or more units are protected under the policy.
Are tenants in strata-titled rental properties eligible for assistance and compensation?
Tenants residing in strata rental properties, in which the building is owned and operated by a single owner or entity, are eligible for assistance and compensation made available through the policy.
What criteria determines if a tenant is eligible for assistance and compensation?
All tenants are eligible for assistance and compensation if they have a tenancy agreement with the landlord and were permanently residing at the rental property on the date the City received a Development or Rezoning Application.
Tenant eligibility criteria for multi-phased projects is identified below.
Some redevelopment projects are proposed to occur over more than one phase (e.g. Master Development Plan communities). When a multi-phased project includes a property that is subject to the Tenant Relocation Policy, how is tenant eligibility determined?
Where a multi-phased project is proposed, the trigger point that determines a tenant’s eligibility for assistance under the Tenant Relocation Policy is the Master Development Plan application.
When must a developer compensate an eligible tenant?
Payment must be made to the tenant before or on the scheduled move-out date.
When does a tenant have to move out?
A tenant may decide to move out soon after the Applicant submits their development application, or they may choose to stay as long as possible. A tenant may terminate their tenancy at any time in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA). Under the RTA, Notice to End Tenancy will only be allowed after the landlord receives all necessary permits and approvals.
How should landlords provide financial compensation to eligible tenants?
Compensation, including moving assistance, must only be paid by cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer.
Who receives Right of First Refusal for units in the new building?
All tenants who had a tenancy agreement on the property on the day of the Development Application are eligible to exercise a Right of First Refusal for units in the new building at market rents. All tenants who maintain a Right of First Refusal will be offered a new rental unit in the new building prior to the developer considering other rental applications.
How does an eligible tenant exercise their Right of First Refusal?
After the Development Application submission and before First Reading of the rezoning bylaw, the developer will provide a form to all eligible tenants asking whether they would like to maintain the option exercise their Right of First Refusal. Before construction is completed, all tenants who identified their interest in exercising their Right of First Refusal will be contacted by the developer and offered a new unit.
Who is eligible for new units at below-market rents?
Depending on the development, the developer may be required to include a proportion of below-market rent units in the new building. These units will be offered to tenants who expressed interest in exercising their Right of First Refusal, and who meet the income eligibility requirements of the below-market units.
If the number of returning households who meet the income requirements exceeds the number of below-market units, assignment of the units will be offered in priority fashion based on financial need.
The Renter Information Package provides information to tenants of market rental buildings that are being redeveloped. In plain language, the Package summarizes the process and what tenants are entitled to under the provincial Residential Tenancy Act and the City of Coquitlam’s Tenant Relocation Policy.