The Northwest Burke Vision (NBV) is a 30-year plan that will guide the planning and development of the last large undeveloped area in Coquitlam. Adopted by Council on Monday, July 17, 2017, the NBV is an important step in making the transition from the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy and the City’s Regional Context Statement, to community- and neighbourhood-level planning. The NBV sets out generalized policies that will be implemented through future neighbourhood plans, with key sections that include:
Since the 1990s, Burke Mountain has been defined as an area for population growth through local plans. To date, four neighbourhood plans have been created to guide this growth on Burke Mountain. They include the Upper Hyde Creek, Lower Hyde Creek, Smiling Creek, and Partington Creek Neighbourhood Plans. Building on these existing plans, the City has now created the Northwest Burke Vision for the northwest area of Burke Mountain.
The Northwest Burke Vision area is approximately 400 hectares (980 acres) in size, and is bordered by the Upper Hyde Creek, Smiling Creek, and Partington Creek Neighbourhoods to the south and Pinecone Burke Provincial Park to the north and east. The Vision provides a high-level land use and servicing concept as well as phasing plan to help guide the future growth of family friendly neighbourhoods, natural areas, playground, and parks for the next 30 or more years.
The Council Report provided a summary of public feedback from the Phase 3 consultation process and proposed changes to the NBV based on that public feedback. The report also brought forward the proposed NBV for consideration of endorsement by Council.
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