Committees & Boards

Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees are created to provide information, well considered advice, and recommendations for consideration by Council and staff on specific issues of civic concern. Advisory Committees are made up of citizen representatives and one or two Council members appointed by Council.

View and download the 2025 Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule.

Information regarding Advisory Committee mandates, membership, agendas and  minutes can be found at the following links:

How to Watch Advisory Committee Meetings

Advisory Committee Meetings can be attended in person at City Hall or viewed online via Zoom Webinar. 

To watch a meeting online, you must register for the Zoom Webinar using the registration link. The link will be posted below one week before the scheduled meeting and will remain active until the meeting concludes. You can register at any time, including during the meeting.

Register to Participate Electronically:

Advisory Committee MeetingDate and LocationZoom Registration Link
Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at City Hall 
Sustainability and Environmental Advisory CommitteeTuesday, April 8, 2025 at City Hall 

If you have further questions about how to watch the meetings, please email the City Clerks Office

Advisory Committee E-News

Sign up to receive Advisory Committee E-News of upcoming Advisory Committee Meeting dates and information links regarding agendas available for download from the City’s website.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees are committees of Council members appointed by the Mayor. Standing Committees provide a more informal forum in which Council can meet as a whole to receive information from members of the public and staff and address high level strategic and budget policy decisions. In addition to Council-in-Committee, the Mayor has established a Finance Standing Committee and Strategic Priorities Standing Committee to address high level strategic budget and policy decisions.

Any decisions made in Council-in-Committee meetings that require Council approval are normally considered at the Regular Council Meeting the following week (or in two weeks time, dependent on the schedule).

Statutory Committees

Statutory Committees and Boards are created and regulated through provincial and/or federal legislation and have a unique function within the Municipal framework. Statutory Committee membership is determined by the Committee or Board’s enabling legislation. 

Information regarding Committee/Board mandates, membership and meeting schedules can be found in the following links: