What is not a FOI?

The majority of records held by the City of Coquitlam can be accessed without a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Prior to initiating a formal FOI request you should contact the appropriate Department to ask whether the record you are seeking is available through a routine request. For example, front line staff, the City website, and various City publications provide a variety of public information. 

Examples of the types of documents that are available through routine requests are:

  • Agendas
  • Bylaws
  • Minutes
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Property Related Information
  • Publications

It is also important to note that the FOI process is not a method to request that City staff research a particular topic. The City does not have researchers on stand-by and any requests for the production of a significant amount of records, or involving a significant amount of staff time, will likely result in the City providing you with a quote for services and requesting a deposit prior to any work being completed.

The only requests for records that will be put through the FOI process are those that may involve sensitive or confidential information. Requests for all other types of records will be referred to the appropriate Department for response. The City can also only process requests for records that are under our control. For example, requests for policing records must be made directly to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
