Will there be opportunities for the public to provide input on this project?

Due to the largely technical nature of this project, there is limited ability for the public to provide input on the design of the new Works Yard itself.

The City is committed to working with nearby area residents and staff have had a number of one-on-one conversations with neighbours. 

Regarding the concerns around environmental impacts, the City is working closely with several area environmental groups for additional input in addition to the expertise of Foresters / Arborists and biologist teams working on the project.

Show All Answers

1. What is the Austin Works Yard Renewal Project?
2. Is the expansion taking over any portions of Mundy Park?
3. Will trees be removed from Mundy Park for this project?
4. Is there a replacement strategy for any trees being removed?
5. What kind of environmental reviews were done before starting this work?
6. Why do trees need to be removed so soon?
7. Could the City build the Works Yard somewhere else that would not require tree removal?
8. Will there be a Public Hearing on this project?
9. Will there be opportunities for the public to provide input on this project?