Can I park on the street when it’s snowing?

The City's snow plows cannot deliver their best service when cars are parked on critical roadways. 

When there is snow in the forecast, do not park on the street. All vehicles should be parked in a driveway, garage, carport or other area of their private property - this applies to residents in secondary suites as well. Landlords must provide areas for their residents to park off the street.

Drivers and residents are asked to follow all posted parking restrictions on their street, and as indicated on street regulation signage at all locations within the City. This will prevent you from having to dig out your vehicle, and will also prevent you receiving a ticket or having your vehicle towed.

Activated Restrictions - Subscribe to NotifyMe Email

The City also activates a restriction every time snow is in the forecast on some streets until the end of the snow event and the streets are clear.  Visit our Winter Wise webpage and look at the Parking Tab for details on which streets have the 'when declared' restriction, and sign up for our Winter Parking Restriction NotifyMe email.  
