Public Health Information

Safe Sharps Disposal

For information about the safe disposal of sharps such as needles, syringes and lancets, please visit the Fraser Health Safe Sharps Disposal page.

Cell Phone Towers

Most of the authority for regulating Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF) lies with the Federal Government - local governments have limited legal powers in this area. However, there are opportunities to work collaboratively with wireless carriers in regards to location and aesthetics.

The attached WCF Consultation Protocol (PDF) has been approved by Coquitlam City Council as a City policy. For your information, we have included here a statement from the Vancouver Coastal Health’s Chief Medical Health Information Officer and a brochure with more extensive information that has been published by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association.

For further information, please contact:
Kim Chan
Chief Information Officer
Email Kim Chan

HealthLink BC

On the HealthLink BC website, you will find medically-approved information on more than 5,000 health topics, symptoms, medications, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can also search our online Directory to find health services near you.