Enquiry Meeting

Many general enquiries can be resolved by phoning, emailing or visiting Development Planning staff at the Planning and Development front counter at Coquitlam City Hall. Property owners, real estate agents, developers and members of the public are encouraged to start here with any questions you may have!

An enquiry meeting can help if you have more questions after placing a general enquiry with Development Planning staff.

An enquiry meeting is recommended for those who are seeking feedback from staff about a specific concept, plan or proposal at the earliest stages of the development process. During an enquiry meeting, the enquirer meets with Development Planning staff for a high-level discussion about their proposal. Staff provide general direction about how to proceed, help identify key considerations, and outline the next steps for the development application process.

Enquiry meetings are offered every Friday between 9 a.m. and noon in 30-minute blocks, and must be scheduled one week in advance.

Review the Enquiry Meeting Guide (PDF) for important details, then contact the Development Planning division to schedule your meeting.

Enquiry Meetings cost $112.67 (includes GST) and must be paid in-person at Finance counter, by couriered cheque, or online payment, by noon the Friday before the meeting. Enquiry meetings may be rescheduled until noon the day before the meeting. All cancellation requests must be submitted by noon the Friday before the meeting in order to receive a refund. Please contact Development Planning staff if you wish to reschedule or cancel your meeting. Refunds will not be offered for missed meetings.