Development Variance Permits

Development Variance Permits are permits authorized by City Council to allow variances to certain City requirements, including :

Development Variance Permits may not vary the permitted uses or density of uses as regulated in the Zoning Bylaw. You will need a Rezoning or Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment application for these purposes. Please refer to:

Please note: For Applications submitted after January 03, 2022, mail-out postage cost recovery for public consultation will be collected by staff after the letters have been sent out.

Minor Development Variance Permit

Minor Development Variance Permit applications are delegated to the General Manager Planning and Development for approval if:

  1. The requested variance falls within 20% of the value prescribed in the relevant bylaw; and
  2. The variance application is not associated with a non-delegated development permit. 
  3. Sufficient justification for the proposed variance is provided by the applicant, in accordance with the Development Variance Assessment Criteria Policy (PDF).

Minor Development Variance Permits can only vary the following provisions:

  • Zoning Bylaw provisions respecting siting, size and dimensions of buildings, structures and permitted uses; or
  • Zoning Bylaw provisions respecting off-street parking and loading space requirements; or
  • Sign Bylaw provisions respecting the size, location and number of signs or their elements.

Development Application Signs

If you are pursuing a Development Application, you are required to install a Development Application Sign on the development site. Please visit Development Application Signs for more information.

Additional Information