Public Consultations

  1. In accordance with the Public Notice Bylaw No. 5334, 2023, the City provides statutory notices electronically on the City’s website and through the City’s email subscription service in addition to posting notices at City Hall. To view current notices on the website, please visit, To sign up for the Council E-News, please visit

Public Consultation Opportunities

If you would like to participate in a consultation process for an upcoming Public Hearing, Development Variance Permit or Temporary Use Permit application, please refer to the 'Public Consultation Engagement Options' information further down the page. 

Upcoming Consultations




Public Consultation Engagement Options

Speakers Lists

The City Clerk's Office creates and maintains speakers list for all public consultations.  Everyone will be permitted to speak at the meeting for designated public consultations but those who have registered in advance will be given first opportunity.

If you wish to participate remotely, click on the meeting's Zoom registration link and select when signing up that you would like to be added to the speakers list. You may also register to attend the meeting remotely without signing up to speak to an item. 

If you wish to participate in person, you can either email the Clerk's Office or call at 604-927-3010. 

Decorum at the Meeting

Comments must be limited to a  five minute maximum and to the proposed application. The City's timer will be displayed on the screen, and will countdown the allocated speaking time. When your time has elapsed, the timer will change colours and a chime will sound to alert you that you need to conclude your remarks. 

Comments are to be made to Council directly. Please do not direct questions or comments to the applicants, members of the audience, or members of staff. 

For speaking tips for remote and in person participants, please consult the information provided further down on this page. 

Submissions to Council

Presentations or submissions must be received by Council before the consultation opportunity for that application is concluded. 

The presentation must be submitted to the Clerk's Office via email prior to the meeting to ensure it can be displayed. On-screen materials provided at the meeting may not be compatible with the City's systems.