Streetscape Enhancement Program

Coquitlam’s Streetscape Enhancement Program is enlivening streetscapes and public spaces across the community in 2023 and 2024 with public art, feature lighting, street furniture and other new amenities.   

The improvements are targeting neighbourhoods not undergoing redevelopment, along with key business areas and City gateways.  

The City is working with local businesses to select and coordinate the projects, which are funded by $900,000 from the Land Sale Reserve Fund as well $435,000 from a Destination Development Grant from the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. Staff are also exploring Corporate Partnership opportunities for the program to expand the impact.

Enlivening Coquitlam’s Streetscapes

The enhancements delivered through the program encourage community connection and pride, promote outdoor living, support tourism and economic development, and improve safety. 

New street furniture, architectural features and public art attract people to outdoor spaces and business areas, while feature lighting helps make streets and public spaces more vibrant, walkable and safe at all hours of the day.   

Staff Reports
