Check out our recreation programs! Click here or on the green banner above to access our registration portal and browse our current offerings. For the best online registration experience, please use Google Chrome.
Registration is open for general programs, swimming, skating, and pro-d and winter break camps for Spring 2025.
Browse the Program Guide to view camps and general recreation programs, including park programs and fitness classes. All programs, including swimming and skating, can be found in the online registration system.
Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Programs are visible online at least four days in advance of registration day.
Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Programs are visible online at least four days in advance of registration day.
Make sure your address is up-to-date in SignMeUp ahead of registration day:
Online registration can be easy through our Sign Me Up system.
Watch our brief tutorial video and sign up for an online account today.
For more details, see the Registration System Frequently Asked Questions.
Coquitlam offers both registered programs and drop-in activities.
For those who frequently attend drop-in recreation activities, consider one of the City’s ONE PASS options.
The City’s Financial Assistance for Recreation (FAR) program offers eligible residents a 50 drop-in pass and a $225 credit towards recreation activities, passes and programs. Visit the Financial Assistance for Recreation page to learn more.
For more information on other programs we offer that are designed to address barriers to recreation, visit our Recreation Access page.
We’ve made some changes to the categories and headings—but don’t worry, you can still find it by using the search tool.
Once you're in the online registration system, you can use the panel on the left side of your screen to look up programs by keyword or use the filters to narrow down your search.
For more help with registration call 604-927-4386, or stop by the front desk at any of our recreation facilities.
You can cancel your registration as per our recreation program refund policy.
Some fees may apply when cancelling registration:
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If you have questions about your recreation registration account: